The Efficient Way To Manage Data Migration

Mapping out a plan is the most important element of a migration. Every migration requires a certain amount of strategic digital transformation of the information moving from the source repository to the destination. Considerations should include mapping metadata, folder structure, search capabilities, and many other elements that will enable users to find relevant data. It’s critical that you spend the time to document the problems you’re having and what is needed to move forward.

Why Do Migrations Fail?

There are many causes for this, most of which revolve around not planning. While most organizations share the same desire to find data readily, they frequently contrast on how they get there. There are numerous sources that you can leverage when it comes to data cataloging, but without a strong plan in place, these tools can fail to function properly. Be sure you’ve crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s before migrating.

Wave has been expertly handling enterprise migrations and giving advisement services since the 1990s. We’ve expertly handled migrations for customers utilizing OpenText, Microsoft, IBM, Paperclip, and more.

Our highly capable team comprehends the unique hurdles that can happen in both contemporary and conventional ECM applications and we’ve refined our ways over the years as technology has changed. Leverage our expertise to execute a fruitful migration and digital transformation.